It's frequently difficult, when looking at an old map to identify the location on a more modern one.
In the maps below we (the group) started with a map from 1617, and followed the location
boundary through a series of maps up to 1891.
This was made possible by the natural features and boundaries remaining virtually the same
The thumbnails below will take you to larger copies
Original photocopy of Map of 1617
1617 Map
with some transcriptions & boundary
1617 Map turned through 180°
to place 'north' at the top
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1848 Tithe map
1848 Tithe map
with common boundary shown
1848 OS map
1848 OS map
with common boundary shown
1891 OS map
1891 OS map with common boundary shown
courtesy of Oldham Local Studies & Archives
Not to be reproduced without permission of Oldham Local Studies & Archives