Unveiling of the Statue of Oldham Suffragette, Annie Kenney
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The Unveiling Ceremony
(3 photos courtesy Joan Harrison) |
The official unveiling of a statue to the Oldham Suffragette, took place on the steps of the Old Town Hall, on a bitterly cold day. Exactly 100 years to the day when a woman was allowed to vote in a general election, but it was not until 10 years later could ALL women do the same.
A large crowd of people starts to gather in the foyer of Gallery Oldham. |
Many were dressed as Suffragettes |
Led by a band and with banners, we marched across Union Street and up to the Old Town Hall. |
Where the Mayor, Oldham MP Jim McMahon and members of the Kenney family watched with us, as local school children pulled the cords to reveal Annie. |
Members of the public then laid flowers around the foot of the statue, in acknowledgement of all that she did to help get women the vote |
A statue of Emmeline Pankhurst, founder and leader of the Women's Social & Political Union (WSPU), was also unveiled in St Peters Square, Manchester, on the same day. |
Account with photos, courtesy of Joan Secker Wlodarczyk.
Of Emmeline Pankhurst statue. courtesy Sue Forshawe