Mayor of Oldham's 'Lamb' Holiday Fund
The fund was set up to provide a trip to Hoylake,
on Friday 7th July, 1933.
It was to be for children in their final year at school who had never been to the seaside.
The photo shows the Mayor and Mayoress (Alderman and Mrs. Bardsley), the lamb, 'David', and several of the children who would benefit.
The child on the far right
is Annie Pettigrew.
Photo & information above contributed by Eileen Eagle

Picture above contributed by S. Goodyear
Mayor of Oldham's "Lamb" Holiday Fund
Mayor and Mayoress (Alderman and Mrs. Hague)
(Michael, Mary and Mona) Together with several of the school children
The fund is to provide a trip to Fleetwood, Tuesday, July 5th 1932 for children
In their last year at school who have never visited the seaside.

Picture above contributed by Peter Cannon
Mayor of Oldham's "Lamb" Holiday Fund
Presented to His Worship the Mayor (Councillor Isaac Crabtree J.P.
by Councillor J. T. Penty
on behalf of the Mayor of Oldham's children's seaside trip.
[Probably 1930
as Isaac Crabtree was the Mayor of Oldham 1929 - 1930]