A Selection of Pages taken from the Minute Book, spanning the years from 1925 up to 1938.
Some pages are undated.
The entries are arranged here in the order in which they appear in the book
(some of the end pages appearing to work backwards).

December 16th 1925
Court of Honour Minutes |

Committee Meeting

Court of Honour Meeting |

January 6th 1926
Court of Honour Meeting |

5th May 1927
Committee Meeting |

5th May 1927 (continued)
Committee Meeting |

11th May 1927
Court of Honour Meeting |

11th May 1927 (continued)
Court of Honour Meeting |

21st October 1929
Court of Honour Meeting |

21st October 1929 (continued)
Court of Honour Meeting |

24th October
Committee Meeting |

16th September 1931
Court of Honour Meeting |

16th November 1931
Court of Honour Meeting |

27th June 1935
Re-organisation of Officers
and Committee |

27th June 1935
Re-organisation Meeting |

27th June 1935 (continued)
Re-organisation Meeting |

15th October 1936
Quarterly Meeting |

25th November 1937
Joint Meeting of Guides' and Scouts' Committees |

20th January 1938
Quarterly Meeting |

5th May 1938
Quarterly Meeting |

4th August 1938
Quarterly Meeting |

May and August 1938
List of names and addresses for
Joint Committee for Guides and Scouts |

List of names and addresses
for officials |

27th June 1935
List of Officers and Committee |

3rd December 1928
Names and Addresses of
Guide Committee passed at Annual
Sunday School Council Meeting |

Captains' Names & Addresses |

Captains' Names & Addresses |

Names & Addresses
of Old Committee |