Monday 16th August, 1819, St. Peter's Field, Manchester.
An on-going project towards the 200th Anniversay in 2019
Narrative & Pictures : In two parts, from the talk
at Oldham HRG Meeting, August 2016
Long Millgate, Manchester
circa 1800
Market Place,
Manchester in 1823
Dangerous to be known as a Reformer'
The Chronicle, October 29th 1955
"... many publicans - and publicans were a privileged class - acted as spies and informers. this was repubnant to the reformers and they took steps to alter this state of things ..."
'My Political since 1816'
Oldham Chronicle February 20th 1885
"This formed the title of an interesting
lecture last evening, delivered in the
Moorside Liberal Club,
by Mr James Cooper. "

'Historical Sketches of Oldham'
by Edwin Butterworth, pub.1856
Full transcript of book HERE
Pages 167 - 173 about Peterloo
and the events leading up to it

The Peterloo Memorial Campaign for the Bicentenary in 2019.
Photos from Annual Campaigns
John Knight
& a window into early 19thC
Radicalism in Oldham
Please visit our companion website
for new additions
Menu and New Pages on the Peterloo-Manchester Website
(they open in new tabs) |

Full transcription of:
NOTES & OBSERVATIONS, Critical & Explanatory, on the Papers Relative to the Internal State of the Country, Recently Presented to Parliament; Dec. 1819

Extracts from the 1819 Publication:
" The Peterloo Massacre, Containing a Faithful Narrative of the events which Preceded, Accompanied, and Followed the Sixteenth of August, 1819"
Edited by 'an Observer'
Samuel Collins -
'The Bard of Hale Moss'.
Reformer at Peterloo
& Chartist. |
If you can add anything to the story :
about the people, burials, descendants, memorabilia produced, or events etc,
please contact us using the email address on
which is found on the Home Page of both websites ...
Some Reference Sources & Links
Printed Books & Other Resources

Local organist and composer Jonathan
Scott, who has Samuel Bamford in his
family tree has composed an organ solo,
'Peterloo 1819' which he has recorded
at St. Paul's, Royton.
You can see the video HERE
'The English Uprising - PETERLOO'
by Robert Poole
pub. 2019
'The Casualties of Peterloo'
by Michael Bush
Pub. 2005
'The Peterloo Massacre'
by Robert Reid
First pub. 1989
'The Peterloo Massacre'
by Joyce Marlowe
Manchester Region History Review
'Peterloo Massacre'
Vol. III No.1
Spring/Summer 1989 pdf files for
free download HERE
'Peterloo' animation
on Vimeo
'Return to Peterloo'
by Robert Poole
A collection of articles and essays.
Peterloo Memorial Campaign
Website, Facebook & Twitter
'The Manchester Historical Recorder'
pub 1875 and used with the kind permission
of Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society who transcribed
the work.
A full transcription (from 500 BC to 1874) is available
on CD, from the Society, HERE
"The Peterloo Massacre, Containing a Faithful Narrative of the events which Preceded, Accompanied, and Followed the Sixteenth of August, 1819"
Edited by 'an Observer'
Published December 1819
'The Whole Proceedings before the Coroner's Inquest at Oldham, &c.on the body of John Lees who died of sabre wounds at Manchester, August 16, 1819'.
Taken in shorthand and edited by Joseph Augustus Dowling, Esq.
printed for William Hone, 1820
Google Books download HERE
Mouse-over 'Read EBook' (do not click on it unless you wish to read it on your computer)
Dropdown menu with options comes up including 'Download pdf'
This the opens the file on your computer then click on the download arrow and save.
'The Peterloo Massacre (Political Protest Documentary) | Timeline'.
1 hour 14mins.
A dramatised
documentary of the John Lees Inquest at Oldham in autumn 1819
Internet Archive Books - Free .pdf Downloads
'A Letter to Lord Viscount Castlereagh, K.G.'
By John C. Hobhouse, Esq. F.R.S.
Pub 1819 HERE
Bamford's 'Passages in the Life of a Radical' and 'Early Days'
edited by Henry Dunckley ("Verax")
Vol 1 HERE
Vol 2 HERE
'Historical Sketches and Personal Recollections of Manchester'.
by Archibald Prentice
Pub. 1851 HERE
'The Trial of Henry Hunt, Esq'.
[Trial includes] Jno. Knight, Jos. Johnson, Jno. Thacker Saxton, Samuel Bamford, Jos. healey, James Moorhouse, Robert Jones, Geo. Swift and Robert Wylde. for an Alleged Conspiracy to Overturn the Government, &c.
'Notes and Observations, Critical and Explanatory, On the Papers relative to the Internal State of the Country',
Recently Presented to Parliament.
by a Member of the Manchester Committee for Relieving the Sufferers of 16th August 1819
Pub 1820 HERE
'No. 1 of Peterloo Massacre'
Printed by J. Wroe, Observer Office, 18, Market Street, Manchester
1819 HERE
'The Story of Peterloo,
Written for the Centenary, August 16th, 1919'.
by F.A. Bruton, M.A.(of the Manchester Grammar School. HERE
'Three Accounts of Peterloo by Eyewitnesses:
Bishop Stanley, Lord Hylton, John Benjamin Smith
with Bishop Stanley's Evidence at the Trial'
Edited by F.A. Bruton, M.A., Litt. D. (of the Manchester Grammar School.
Pub. 1921 HERE
Internet Archive Books - Free .pdf Downloads
'Richard Carlile - His Battle for the Free Press'
by Guy A. Aldred.
Pub. 1912 HERE
'The Battle of the Press as told in the Story of the Life of Richard Carlile'
by his daughter, Theophila Carlile Campbell
Pub. 1899 HERE
'Cobbett's Political Register' Volume XXXVI
1820 HERE
'Pamphlets & Parodies on Political Subjects'
by William Hone and Wood cuts by George Cruikshank. Contains::
the House that Jack Built 1821,
Queen's Matrimonial Ladder 1820,
Form of Prayer 1820,
Non Mi Ricordo 1820,
Political Showman 1821,
Man in the Moon 1821,
Right Divine of Kings &c 1821.,
Slap at Slop 1822
Pub 1830 HERE
'The Three Trials of William Hone'
by William Hone
Pub. 1818 HERE
'The Masque of Anarchy'
by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Pub. with Preface by Leigh Hunt, 1832
'The Republican'
Friday September 3rd, 1819
A Letter to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent. HERE
'The Risings of the Luddites. Chartists and Plug Drawers'
by Frank Peel
Pub.1888 HERE
'Reformists Register'
by William Hone
1818 HERE
'The Political "A, apple-pie", or, The "extraordinary red book" versified : for the instruction and amusement of the rising generation'
by William Hone