A Gartside Sent to Van Diemen's Land - "Man's Inhumanity to Man"
(from Robbie Burns' Man was made to mourn: A Dirge 1784
The Narrative and pictures started life as an illustrated talk, for the local Family & Local History Societies. Its first 'outing' should have been in Shaw & Crompton, on the 26th March, 2020 ... the week after the whole country went into 'lockdown' as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Like many others, I turned to the internet to tell my ancestor, Edwin's story ... HERE
Convict Life on Board a Prison Ship,
Colin Arrott Browning, writes of his appointment, as a surgeon-superintendant, in 1831,
and his subsequent attempts to ensure a good survival rate and institute education programmes etc.,
in his book , 'England's Exiles', published in 1842
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