May 9th – A party of the 87th Regement of Foot arrived at barracks at Oldham, and a party of the 67th left a few days since.
May 4th – A very serious riot occurred at Manchester, in consequence of lownes of wages given to the weavers. A deal of damage was done. Happily no lives where lost; a factory was burned.
May 3rd – Was interred at Ripponden, John Rowbottom, son of William Rowbottom, hardware man of Oldham.
May 13th Died at Oldham old James Cupid, formerly a collier.
May 18th – Died very suddenly, having dropped down in a garden, George Scoles, of Burnley-lane, and near Beartrees.
May 21st – There was a sessions at the Angel Inn, Oldham. The Mr. Hulme, of Hollinwood, and Beswick, of near Pikehouse, Rochdale, the majestrates, when a deal of persons selling malt liquier conterary to law where convicted, when some for nonpayment where commited to prisson. They where most of them hush sellers.
May 22nd – This day, William Taylor, of Hollinwood, a constable for Chadderton, was conveying two men to the New Bayley, under commitment for stealing clothes off a hedge. The prisoners were handcuffed; when in Newton-lane a wute was heard, when several men came over the hedge, attacked the constable, broke the handcuffs, and the prisoners made a clear escape.
A “wute” I suppose, was a sound made by a person whistling.
May 26th – Was intered at Middleton, Phineas Chadwick, millwright, and brother of Jonathan Chadwick of the Red Lyon Inn, in Oldham; age 62 years.
May 28th – Certain information was received of the death of George Rowbottom, son of William Rowbottom, of Burnley-yate, and formerly of the 6th Regiment of Foot, but who had for some time retired from the military, and lived in a private station in the neighbourhood of Gilbralter, where in October, 1828, he died of a fever, wich at that time was very prevalent in that country.
This would no doubt be the son of the man who wrote these annals. He seems to have been bereaved also of a daughter and granddaughter within a short time of this. (See following annals, June 7th and 14th.) The granddaughter’s name was Mills, I merely mention this to identify, if possible, the family of Wm. Rowbottom.
May 29th – A few days since a young woman at Greenacres Moor, wilst at her labour at the factory of Mr. Gleadill, had the misfortune to be taken by some part of the gearing, and had her arm torn from her body, but she is still living with small hopes of her recovery.
June 2nd – This day, the coroner and jury met at one Cammeron’s, a shoe maker in Fog-lane, touching his daughter. Ann having been assaulted by one Jeremiah Wallwork, an old sweetheart of Ann Cammeron’s. It appeared they were old sweathearts and they had had a quarrel and some few blows. Ann Cammeron died in a few days after a fever said to have been brought on in consequence of blows, but the jury acquited Wallwork, as it appeared Cammeron was the agresser.
June 5th – This day the coroner had four inquests within the parish of Oldham. Two of them where two unfortunate colliers, and one John Kershaw, of Highgate, who hanged himself.
June 2nd – John Kershaw, of Highgate, in a fit of dispair hung himself this day.
next column
June 5th – This day some fine showers, and at night it froze a little.
June 7th – Was Whitsunday and a very fine day.
June 7th – Died after a long and painfull sickness, Frances, daughter of William Rowbottom, of Burnley Gate; aged 27 years, 10 months, and 23 days, a young woman of the greatest and best of character. She died universally respected; she was much respected by her neighbours.
June 6th – A fatal missfortune happened at Werneth Collorey, wen three yong men who where engaged in winding up one was killed on the spot, and the other two died a few days after.
June 13th – Was a fine day and a very fine refreshing shower.
June 14th – Died to the great grief of her family and friends, Mary, daughter of Betty Mills, formerly Betty Rowbottom. She died at her grandfather’s William Rowbottom, at Burnley Gate; her age 15 years and 8 months.
June 20th – Heavy thunder and a deal of rain fell this evening.
July 1st – Died at Oldham William Campbell (taylor, mercer, and draper), he died rather sudden.
July 2nd – This day about 12 o’clock noon was one of the most tremendous storms of thunder, hail, and rain. It was most terrific and allarming, happily we have not heard of any material damage being done.
July 4th – Last night and this morning it rained to an uncomon degree, so that the waters rose astonishingly.
July 8th – Was an exalent fine hay day.
July 5th – This morning, Sunday, a most audacious assault made on the person of Amelia Wild by a person of the name of Johnson, who attemted to violate her person. Happily his cruel design was prevented by two men who heard her cries coming to her assistance. This affair happened in Hunt Clough Fields.
July 7th – One of the most excessive showers fell this day in Manchester, and its neighbourhood ever remembered.
July 12th – The weather still continues very wet, and as the appearance of a very poor hay harvest.
July 14th – Was a fine day, and the farmers and others busily implyed in the hay harvest.
July 15th – This day several hush sellers taken into custody for said offence.
July 16th – Was intered at Oldham James Potter of Horsege-fold, a man much respected; age, 63 years.
July 17th – Died rather sudden at Oldham, Edmund Tetlow, in his 22nd year; disorder, an inflamation of the bowels.
July 19th – A very large number of people assembled on Burnley-brow denominated Independent Methodists. Several sermons where preached on the ocation. Preachers where mounted in a cart which was placed there.
June 26th 1829 –Died in Burnley-lane, Anna, wife of Abel Smith, of Beartrees. |
I am often asked if these Annals will be re-printed in book form. Let me say this depends on the demand there is likely to be. The book would be a large one of some 320,000 words, and if I can get a sort of guarantee from likely subscribers I shall publish, not otherwise.
April 29th- The first stone of the Oldham Blue Coat School laid by Thos. Barker, Esq., a liberal benefactor.
Higson says, In consequence of the delay occasioned by the lawsuit and provision of site, and funds for its erection, the sum bequeathed by Mr. Henshaw in 1808 had accumulated to upwards of £100,000. The edifice is a substantial structure of the early English style of architecture built upon land on the lower part of Oldham Edge, given by Mr. Robert Radcliffe, of Foxdenton, Esq., and Mr. Joseph Jones, junr., Esq.
July 20th – A grand mowing match in a meadow near Lane End, betwixt the Reverent Mr. Hulme of Hollinwood, and Captain Taylor, of Lane End, which was won by the former.
Mr. Holme was no mere white handed priest, nor was Captain Taylor unacquainted with the toils of the farm it seems. Anyway this parson beat the captain at a trial of strength.
July 20th – An unpleasant fracas took place in Oldham betwixt a part of the officers of the 87th Regiment and the police, when a part of the officers where taken before the Rev. Mr. Hulme, who heard the case, and dismissed the case.
July 29th – Died at Oldham, John Andrew, formerly a dealer in spirits.
July 28th This morning William Rowbottom, betwixt 5 and 6 o’clock, most seriously attacted with a fit whilst in bed, wich very much allarmed the family.
Poor William Rowbottom is getting to the end of his tether, and here records his own sufferings, occasioned no doubt by the family troubles and bereavements recently alluded to.
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August 2nd – This day being Sunday, there was a great number of people assembled at the funeral of Charles Nuttel, of Lady Houses, Northmoor. He was in the Society of Royal Forrester, and his interment was of that order.
August 4th – Last night died Martha, wife of Robert Woolstencroft, of Burnley Gate; age, 41 years.
August 6th – Was intered wife of Ralph Kershaw, of Top o’th’moor, barber.
August 6th – Died Mr. James Radcliffs, of Bank, Oldham. His age 50 years.
August 6th – The completion of the mason’s work of Oldham Church by laying the last stone which comprises part of a pinnacle on the tower. A band of music struck up in the temporary place of worship erected in the churchyard. A British flag was attached to the steeple, and two masons stood shaking hands and waving their hats on the cross piece raised above the tower for the purpose of winding, and raising the stone, lead, &c.
August 8th – All kinds of fruits seem to be very plentifull this year. Goosberrys are selling 2 1/2d. per quart; pears and apples, 10d. per peck; pottatoes sold at Manchester this day 3s. 6d. per load; in Oldham, 5d. per score.
August 13th – Died at Oldham Daniel Knott, a poor weaver. His age upwards of 70 years.
August 17th – This morning Susan Crossley (late Wild), Thomas Mellor, Daniel Mellor, Garside and several others, hush sellers, where lodged, some in New Bayley, some in Lancaster.
The administration of the law was evidently gaining strength under the new Police Act. Hush sellers for many years had defied the law with impunity.
August 15th – A Roman Catholic Chapel was opened in Lord-street, the Catholic Emancipation Bill having passed in the previous April.
August 17th – Died at Oldham, John Wild, commonly cald John of Bertys, an old collier by trade. A man of a peaceable disposition of mind; age, 77 years.
August 23rd – For several days past very wet and cold. |
Page 175
William Rowbottom's Diary as published in the Oldham Standard
Transcribed by Mary Pendlbury & Elaine Sykes
Courtesy of Oldham Local Studies & Archives
Not to be reproduced without permission of Oldham Local Studies & Archives.
Header photograph © Copyright David Dixon and licensed for re-use under the C.C. Licence.'Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0'