March 17th.- Yesterday a fall of snow and froze rather severely.
March 18th.- Last night it froze, and a little snow.
March 19th.- Yesterday, and in the night it fell a quantity of snow, and in the night froze very keenly.
March 7th.- Died, Sally, wife of Samuel Wrigley, of Sandy Bank, nine miles from Leeds, but formerly of Northmoor.
March 19th.- Misfortune; As Peter Walker was at his work in a coalpit at Collior Hill, Hollinwood, a very large stone fell from the roof and killed him on the spot.
March 20th.- Yesterday cold and stormy, and froze slightly.
March 21st.- Storm of snow and wind. Early yesterday morning commenced one of the most tremendous storms of wind, accompanied with a large fall of snow; it continued till early this morning, when it ceased. There were uncomon large drifts of snow, and the roads in many places where impasable; the wind north, wich in the end veered to north-east. Although the wind was astonishingly high we have heard of no great damage being done.
March 22nd.- Yesterday, cold, wind and rain, and very large drifts of snow, wich made the roads nearly impasable.
March 23rd.- Yesterday an uncomon roof cold day; the wind very high at north, attended with snow and sleet.
Oldham Theatre opened on the 24th of February with the tragedy of Jane Shore by Mr. King’s company of comedians.
This I take to be the old theatre in San Domingo-street, now or recently used as a chandler’s shop re-opened.
March 24th.- Yesterday an uncomon cold day, with the wind north-east, wich was astonishingly high, with sleet and snow. At night it froze slightly. All the day was extreemly cold.
March 25th.- Yesterday was an uncomon cold day, wind north and very high, and a deal of snow still continues on the ground, and at night it froze uncomonly hard, but this morning the wind is lower, but is still uncomonly cold, and the frost uncomon keen.
March 26th.- Yesterday, a cold frosty day.
March 27th.- Yesterday was more calm, but still very cold.
March 28th.- Yesterday the frost weaker and the wind south-east, and it rained at night.
March 29th.- Yesterday it turned to raining, wich most probably put an end to the storm.
March 30th.- Yesterday rather wet, and last night it fell an uncomon deal of rain; the water rose astonishingly, and this morning it rains very heavely, and is a verey dreary Easter Monday.
March 28th.- Manchester flour sold as high as £4 to £4 5s. a load; meal, 58s. to 62s. a load; potatoes, 14s. a load. These articles have risen for several weeks past. Weaving of all sorts is at the lowest ebb; good velveteens for 2s. a pond, 24 hanks. At Oldham, flour 4s. 2d. to 4s. 4d. a peck; meal, 3s. to 3s. 1d. a peck (12 pond to the peck); pottatoes, 16d. a score.
March 31st.- Yesterday an uncommon wet day; it rained very heavily all day. It being the last day of March, and there is not the least apearance of spring, all sorts of vegetation is kept back by the unprecedented cold weather. The little warblers have scarsely been heard to usher in the time by their sweet and melodious notes, and everything as a most awful apearance.
April 1st.- Yesterday an uncommon cold day, the wind north-east, which was very high, and it rained, snowed and sleeted most of last night, and this morning the hills were covered with snow.
1st, 2nd. 3rd, - Very cold days, and large drifts of snow apear, particularly on the northern hills.
4th.- An uncommon fine day.
5th.- A fine spring day, and the cold, chilly weather banished.
4th.- Last night some villains broke into the house of Henry Whitehead, innkeeper, Bottom of Hollinwood, and stole out about £14 in cash, in wich they made clear off, and left not a trace behind.
April 8th.- Last night uncomon cold, the wind very high at north-east, attended with snow and a slight frost, and this morning very cold, and the northern hills covered with snow. |