From 'The Oldham Evening Chronicle' September 3rd 1914 (Transcript)
Oldham Infirmary Nurses War Service
Queen Alexandra's Appreciation
Nine nurses at the Oldham royal Infirmary have volunteered for hospital work in connection with the war; and two or three of them have already gone for this service. The governors of the infirmary have decided to place forty beds at the disposal of the military and naval authorities.
Mr. J.W. Taylor, JP, president of the Infirmary, has received the following letter from Queen Alexandra :-
Marlborough House, August 29
"To the Chairman - It is my earnest desire to express through your kind medium my heartfelt thanks to the matron of your hospital for the response made to our appeal for nurses during the present terrible
war crisis. Pray also accept my grateful appreciation of the prompt and untiring trouble taken in selecting them and sending them out with the shortest possible delay to the seat of war.
May God bless their efforts.