'What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
- Only the monstrous anger of the guns.'
from 'Anthem for Doomed Youth'
by Wilfred Owen
1914 - 1918
Things we've been asked about (not about individuals, please) .........
can you tell us anything, no matter how trivial?
If you have any information then please let us know by email to
1. Temporary Military Hospitals:
Has anyone information about a temporary Military Hospital, probably in tents, located in Alexandra Park, Oldham?
+ information on any other military hospitals in our area.
2. Ambulances:
Several ambulances were provided by groups and individuals in the wider Oldham area .... Has anyone photos or information they can share with us? |
3. Hospital Beds:
Funds were raised by groups, or donated by individuals, to maintain beds in Military Hospitals in foreign war zones. Prominent amongst them was the NUWSS Scottish Women's Hospitals Fund (Read about it in 'The Common Cause'). We know that the Oldham Women's Suffrage Society was involved (read HERE) in both Royaumont and Serbia but would like to know more.
If you have any information or photos relating to the Hospital Beds then we would love to hear from you. |
If you have Oldham and District items that we can include on our website, PLEASE visit the information page to find out how you can help.